Thursday, September 29, 2011

Back Where I Come From.

Guess. What. Drumroll please. Tomorrow. Ya, because the clock just ticked Thursday...I get to return to my wonderful college town. I adore it. I miss it dearly. I think about it every waking moment. I dream of it. Oh, did I mention I am having separation anxiety from not being in my college town?

Tomorrow. I am returning for homecoming. Not Like Friday. Like...I am going to physical therapy. I am coming home and I am showering and I am finishing my packing and I am sending my butt right on up to one of the most fabulously beautiful cities in all of MT. I get to spend the entire weekend with my girlfriends! Log doesn't get to accompany me on this fabulous journey because of other pending deals. Sadly. It will be alright though, I think I need this weekend to get away and spend with my guuuurls. I said it. Girls.

I wish you could see my floor right now. I have thrown clothes everywhere. I have purses, shoes, jeans, bags, shirts, and bras strewn out across my floor. My OCD person is having issues with this, but my week has been crazy and...I will get to packing tomorrow at some point. I have to sub all day and then work at the OG, but then it is home to pack and GET READY. Or, maybe that will be last minute on Friday before I peace out of town. Anyway, literally. I am like screaming inside.

Can you tell I miss it?

I miss my friends. I miss the fabulous scenery. I miss everything to do. I miss living away from my parents. Not being rude, just saying. Nice to live alone in a separate city. I miss college. I miss taking notes in class. I miss Wednesday night steak night at Specs with my Julia. I miss my night runs...watching the sunset listening to my mix. I miss nights out with my girls. I miss going on massive grocery store runs. I miss professors. I miss Bozeman.

I am counting down the hours! 36ish? I don't know. All I know, is...FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm Back.

Oh. Hey Blog World. I see you are welcoming me back with open arms. Here is what happened. I deleted my blog...thinking it would help me to not stalk people and not have to read about their lives that they complain about 24/7. NEWSFLASH. That doesn't work. I still stalk people and I still enjoy reading about them complaining about everything. I don't enjoy it, but at least I am a bit entertained. Did you know blogger doesn't really 'delete' you. I think it is kind of like 'myspace' used to could like 'oops' your account for like 30 days. I don't know what blogger's rules are, but I am kind of happy they didn't oust me. Shout out to BLOGGER!

There is going to be a huge blog makeover coming soon. I need something fresh and new!

Now you are probably asking, what is happening in my world. Or not, but you can hear about it anyway. Well...I am physical therapying (New Word) 3 days a week. It is good, and my ankle is slowly healing up! I am fairly excited about this. Obviously, I still have my fracture line, but the doc said the bone is healing nicely...though he needs more movement. Ya, when I bend my foot is like barely past 90degrees. Can you imagine getting older? Yeeesh. Well...the other day at PT I mentioned that I hadn't gone to PT when I broke my arm earlier this year...oh did I get an ear-full. So now...I am PT-ing for my ankle and my arm. HA! I am just a solid wreck.

Tonight was my first night back serving and let me tell you...I sure did miss making that kind of money. It's nice to work 3 hours and walk out making over 20 an hour. So, full fledged serving is on the agenda for my upcoming weeks. I also have been subbing quite a bit, which is always quite the experience. I did 5th grade last Friday and this Monday and I have 2nd graders I believe this Friday. It all just really makes me want a job job job. Though. I have decided...once I figure out my life and all this stuff I am going back to school. I have it totally figured out. I can't do what I want to do here in Billings, so obviously it will have to wait, but I also would like to teach a few years before I start up that schooling.

Have you guys noticed Pandora re-modeled their website! Seriously. So much is happening. Facebook also did. I am a bit peeved. Change is hard, but in the long run...I am sure I will love it.

Oh, and my new addiction is Monk. The TV Series. If you have not yet watched it, you REALLY need to start. It is seriously my favorite EVER. Probably because that like me. Minus, I am not as crazy as him. Oh, and after Monk. I have Breaking Bad, because my brother is obsessed and I have to take part. 

I am going to leave you with a song that makes me think of the boy!!! It's kind of sort of one of my new favorites! ♥ ENJOY!

YouTube sure doesn't want me to embed that video. Or maybe it is Blake Shelton. Either way. Go listen!!! Awwww.