Monday, May 16, 2011

Something You Ate Today.

This may have been a few days ago, but I took a picture and told myself it would be the blog I have to follow through! Log and I had some wine and obviously some seeds before we went to Hanks and then my parents house for din. Yummmmy.

We are obviously different. Who does this?

7. Favorite room in house
8. Ugliest article of clothing that you can't get rid of
9. Inside your refrigerator
10. You, in front of your house
11. Something you waste money on
12. Favorite movie snack
13. Dream date
14. Favorite restaurant
15. Something that challenged you today
16. A random act of kindness
17. Guilty pleasure food
18. Something with huge sentimental value
19. The oldest thing you own
20. Something you're good at
21. Cutest pair of socks
22. Your bedroom
23. Favorite mug
24. Something you're reading
25. Your handwriting
26. Your pet(s)
27. Something you decorated
28. Your favorite holiday
29. Something someone made for you
30. You with your loved one(s)

 Anyway. Let me see here. I love how life tests you. I am so glad that I have supportive people in mine that really show how I don't need certain people around! What what. Yea, getting rid of you rude ones. The other day Log and I went on an intense intense bike ride, or maybe I thought it was because I was out of shape. Anyway, this summer we are going to bike ride a ton. It will be great. Also. Adam's baseball started...yesterday were my first games and I loved sitting outside even though it was so windy and I was wearing 2 coats. WELCOME SUMMER activities!!!

That is not my brother. He is 15. ♥

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


'It's like raaaaaaaaayaaaaaaain on your graduation day.' Logan sang me that song this weekend, because it was literally pouring. Obvs it has continued monsooning into this week and you want to know something wild? I am actually loving it. I have been watching Lost. I finished Season 4. Now onto 5. I have been reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult. Which I am love love loving, because it is about this sweet boy with autism and I feel not enough people understand how it really does play a big role in their lives, it is not some made up illness. Also, I am it has been nice to just cuddle up in sweats/sweatshirts and stay warm! I got my tonsils out about 11 months ago and granted I don't have blood coming out the back of my mouth or tonsils stones that I am addicted to popping by shoving q-tips and paperclips through my throat, I still get sick. :( Oh well.

I am sitting here now drinking a banana, yogurt, protein shake. It is delicious, but I should probably be drinking tea! Tonight!!!

Arm status: I broke my arm...last month...well, no end of March! Like the 23rd or something I don't know. They told me 6 weeks healing time. I can ALMOST get it all the way straight. Though it is painful. I can do most thing painless, but not all. I am hoping I didn't aggravate it by gong back to work too early...I need this arm for the rest of my life!

This picture is from when I was going to pick Log up for our adventure to Boz. I forgot about it! I love loved my outfit that day, too bad you can't see it all.

Thumbs up for graduating.
Now I must go get ready for a night at work. ♥

Monday, May 9, 2011


This was what I like to call a 'great weekend.'

This is how it bullet order. We. Logan and I.

  • We road tripped all the way and did great things while driving.
  • We got into town and peed @ the school and got my new tassel. Honors!
  • We attempted to find shorts for Log's nephews, because hello, Goooo Cats.
  • That was a failed we went over to our friends house and started the shinanagins! 
  • Great...rough...night...grad was the next morning and we had to be @ the school at you understand how hungover every college student was? Yea, you do now.
  • Then lunch/brunch with my fam who came to see my grad because they are AWESOME! It was delicious, then we made a wonderful trip to the co-op. I am going to cook so much now, I am so excited.
  • Anyway...grad parties? Bar? Drinking with parents? Overall, awesome.
Here are some pictures. Thanks to my sugarpie for coming along with me. He is the best. ♥

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Favorite Pair of Shoes.

Here are my all time favorite shoes. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM. I would probably wear them with jeans, a skirt, a dress, shorts, probably even PJ pants. Yea, I love them THAT much. The best thing is they are COMFORTABLE!

I know. I need somewhere better to take pictures? Plus, not use my cellular device.

Aren't they freaking cute? YOU BET!!!

Here is what I STILL need to do. Look how great I have been doing...working hard towards the end of this picture deal!

6. Something you ate today
7. Favorite room in house
8. Ugliest article of clothing that you can't get rid of
9. Inside your refrigerator
10. You, in front of your house
11. Something you waste money on
12. Favorite movie snack
13. Dream date
14. Favorite restaurant
15. Something that challenged you today
16. A random act of kindness
17. Guilty pleasure food
18. Something with huge sentimental value
19. The oldest thing you own
20. Something you're good at
21. Cutest pair of socks
22. Your bedroom
23. Favorite mug
24. Something you're reading
25. Your handwriting
26. Your pet(s)
27. Something you decorated
28. Your favorite holiday
29. Something someone made for you
30. You with your loved one(s)

Tonight at work was horrid. Literally. I am not EVEN going to get started on it. I take that back. Here goes. I served these certain people....who I hate oh so much...who stiffed me. Second, I had campers. Lots. Thirdly, this lady left me a check and my manager was like OOOOOOHMYGOSH. Excuse you? Sorry. I can't help it.  The hostesses obviously hated me...well the one told me the other one did not want to seat me and kept refusing to tell them to seat at my tables? Oh ok, well if she is telling you that say heck no I am seating her anyway. Point is...I closed and made like 64 dollars. That is HORRRIBBBBLE if you do not understand what I am talking about from 4-10? I should have walked with like 130. Over it. Now that I vented!!!

Oh...also...I have been chugging AirBorne and taking vitamins like it is my job and I really think it is helping...or that was the ridiculous amount of sleep I got today. I told you I was going to feel better for this weekend, didn't I? I never lie. Ok. That's all. Night. ♥

Monday, May 2, 2011

Last Thing You Purchased.

I purchased these wonderful shorts TODAY! I love love love them and the weather needs to be beautiful so I can wear them. Thaaank you.

Also, you know when you have a trip or a vacation or something exciting happening in your life and it feels like it will be forever until it arrives. That is what this week feels like. I am SO excited to get out of town and go to Bozeman and have a good time. I seriously have wanted to start packing for the past 3 weeks...but obviously I have refrained. Now, it is Monday...which means...4 days until I am approx 3 until I SHOULD pack. We'll see what happens. ♥ I am going to go shopping tomorrow...and maybe find a cute dress for graduation if not, I will wear one of the milliontrilllllllllllion other ones I have. Oh and Thursday. I think I am getting my nails DID. I have to look CUTE for pictures. Hellllo. Even though my hair will be the tough part since...haircut lady decided half my hair was dead and she needed to cut off 2 precious inches. 2 inches is a lot mind you. My hair hasn't been growing in like 6 months I think because it was so dead. I do NOT like to get my haircut because I am fairly certain only once in my life was I actually HAPPY with what they did. Whhhhew.

That's all for today folks.

♥ Erin

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I lost my button. My old one because I accidentally deleted and saved WHILE trying to get my new one on and now I can't figure ANY of it out and ehow and google suck and won't help me. So. You might have to wait a year till' I figure it out, because I am frustrated and DO NOT CARE! That is why my beautiful button is gone. If any of you fellow bloggers want to just help me. That would be sweet, but really...I will probably eventually figure it out.

Best Week Ever.

This may perhaps be the best week ever. Ever. Let me give you a little rundown. Yea, here we go.

Last December or this past December, however you want to word that I finished my student teaching...which signified the end to my college education. Thumbs up. I have been sadly working at my oh so disgusting serving job...making managers happy, guests happy, and basically hating every time I walk into that building. Or think about it for that matter. I also have been subbing, which...really isn't my favorite. I just need a real job.

On Saturday. THIS SATURDAY. I graduate college. Yea, like is my diploma. Score!

Friday, we will head up to the wonderful city that I so much miss. By we, I mean Logan and I. What a joyous week! I do indeed have the most wonderful friends there. I would first like to give a little shout out to all of them. They are THE most amazing people ever. They do not judge me, they never ever talk behind my back, they are forgiving, they are hilarious, they like to party and drink, they basically are THE best people in the world. Plus, their drama level is like ZERO. Pretty sweet...because everyone in this sorry town is obviously addicted to it.

Anyway, I have quite the constant todo list in my life. BUT, listen to this...I knocked off my Reading Praxis on Saturday...which...let me tell you was a little more difficult than you'd have thought. Prayers that I passed it. Oh, and there was this dumb girl who was graduating @ 10 and she was FREAKING out and I found it hilariously amusing, because when you see check in time @ really think the test will start then? No. It started @'s dumb. THEN...I was @ work...and all of the hostesses. No names. Hate them. Were FREAKING out when I was making jokes in cashland @ work because I got to leave about how they had to roll silverware. Anyway...I love seeing people get so worked up...RELAX!

Anyway. I'm out. Throw your hands in the air if you're having the best week. I sure am. Plus, it just started.