Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 25

Day 25 - What I would find in your bag.

Here is my oh so cute Kenneth Cole bag that I am using right now.

Wallet, perfumes, wipes, toothbrush, lotions, deo, pens, chapstick, lipgloss, vodka slushi recipe from my Gramma, and keys! key, phone case, Advil, cough-drops, notepad.

Lipgloss, Tums, hair deals, gum, floss, and a case I keep bobby pins and paper clips in!

Obviously my bag needs to be leather creamed.
Probably everything under the sun. Literally. I carry EVERYTHING with me. I recently cleaned out my purse. AKA: Before I took this this is a good picture of what I carry with me...add...tampons, body spray, Bible, planner, phone, Nook, books, chargers, make up, glasses, contact case, eye drops, etc. and you may have a start to what REALLY is in my purse! 


  1. Like the time you cleaned it out in the bar?

  2. I basically clean out my purse an average 23231 times a day. Or week. Or maybe like 3 times a day. Obsessed.

  3. I do it once a month when I realize I have 892574 million pieces of garbage in there. And also, "vodka slushie recipe from my grandma." Let's make it!
