Day 19 - Nicknames you have and why you have them.
I don't especially have many nicknames. My father calls me 'Er, like Air'. Which I LOOOOVE. Only him though...and Logan can call me that too. So...that is about that...sometimes people take a big spoof off of my last name and that is always interesting.
Anyway, tonight at work was CA-FREAKING-RAZY. I was in Chianti. By myself. Aka. I had to take 4 tables plus family table alone and then did not stop seating me all night. It was wild and crazy and I had this incredibly creepy table that I don't know request me and invite me to this party on Saturday? Um. Hello, do you not realize you are coming off creepymccreepertons? Ya. 1 males. 2 females. 1 child. Awkward? Yes. He left me his number which I put into the trash...and no I don't want a hooked up job from you. You are prob are out to kill me or something. Yiiiiiiiikes.
I also bought jeans...for waaaay to expensive prices, but that is OK, because jeans last me FOREEEEEEEEEEVER. Maybe not...I drive holes right through the butt? I don't even know how. I am also watching 'Hurricane' or something like that right now about that boxer? Oh so sad, I have cried approx 2325 times. I want to jump into the movie and shake people around. That always happens to me. I want to jump into movies and change things and wake people up? HELLLLOOOOOOO! Tomorrow I DO NOT sub, I DO NOT work. Whatever will I do with my day? Something productive. Probably not. I bet I will sleep in, read, eat, watch Off the Map, finally get ready. Then steal Logan away after his busy day and then have to come home because I sub oh so early Friday. Pretty excited.
I am going to go finish this fabulous movie. I would highly recommend it.
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