'It's like raaaaaaaaayaaaaaaain on your graduation day.' Logan sang me that song this weekend, because it was literally pouring. Obvs it has continued monsooning into this week and you want to know something wild? I am actually loving it. I have been watching Lost. I finished Season 4. Now onto 5. I have been reading
House Rules by Jodi Picoult. Which I am love love loving, because it is about this sweet boy with autism and I feel not enough people understand how it really does play a big role in their lives, it is not some made up illness. Also, I am sick...so it has been nice to just cuddle up in sweats/sweatshirts and stay warm! I got my tonsils out about 11 months ago and granted I don't have blood coming out the back of my mouth or tonsils stones that I am addicted to popping by shoving q-tips and paperclips through my throat, I still get sick. :( Oh well.
I am sitting here now drinking a banana, yogurt, protein shake. It is delicious, but I should probably be drinking tea! Tonight!!!
Arm status: I broke my arm...last month...well, no end of March! Like the 23rd or something I don't know. They told me 6 weeks healing time. I can ALMOST get it all the way straight. Though it is painful. I can do most thing painless, but not all. I am hoping I didn't aggravate it by gong back to work too early...I need this arm for the rest of my life!
This picture is from when I was going to pick Log up for our adventure to Boz. I forgot about it! I love loved my outfit that day, too bad you can't see it all.
Thumbs up for graduating. |
Now I must go get ready for a night at work. ♥
Yay for rain on graduation and even through the week, I love it! I hope you had a fantastic graduation weekend, I know mine was iNsAnE. <3