Sunday, May 1, 2011

Best Week Ever.

This may perhaps be the best week ever. Ever. Let me give you a little rundown. Yea, here we go.

Last December or this past December, however you want to word that I finished my student teaching...which signified the end to my college education. Thumbs up. I have been sadly working at my oh so disgusting serving job...making managers happy, guests happy, and basically hating every time I walk into that building. Or think about it for that matter. I also have been subbing, which...really isn't my favorite. I just need a real job.

On Saturday. THIS SATURDAY. I graduate college. Yea, like is my diploma. Score!

Friday, we will head up to the wonderful city that I so much miss. By we, I mean Logan and I. What a joyous week! I do indeed have the most wonderful friends there. I would first like to give a little shout out to all of them. They are THE most amazing people ever. They do not judge me, they never ever talk behind my back, they are forgiving, they are hilarious, they like to party and drink, they basically are THE best people in the world. Plus, their drama level is like ZERO. Pretty sweet...because everyone in this sorry town is obviously addicted to it.

Anyway, I have quite the constant todo list in my life. BUT, listen to this...I knocked off my Reading Praxis on Saturday...which...let me tell you was a little more difficult than you'd have thought. Prayers that I passed it. Oh, and there was this dumb girl who was graduating @ 10 and she was FREAKING out and I found it hilariously amusing, because when you see check in time @ really think the test will start then? No. It started @'s dumb. THEN...I was @ work...and all of the hostesses. No names. Hate them. Were FREAKING out when I was making jokes in cashland @ work because I got to leave about how they had to roll silverware. Anyway...I love seeing people get so worked up...RELAX!

Anyway. I'm out. Throw your hands in the air if you're having the best week. I sure am. Plus, it just started.


  1. Congratulations, Erin!!!

    I really wanted to go to graduation in Bozeman, but i freaking open saturday and sunday. =[

    Have a happy happy amazing week! <3

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