Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Favorite Shirt

Seriously. So cute. You can dress it up or down. I looooove the ruffles. I didn't take a picture with it on, but I probably should so you can get the full fledged cuteness. Take a look.

Last night I watched, "Waiting for Superman". You should ALL watch it what an amazing movie that is both heartbreaking and encouraging as a future educator. Documentary.

I already had one person tell me this: In response to me saying our schools are failing children, because our system is so broken.

*Seriously disappointed in your comments. I take it you will NOT be applying to work in a public school? If so, take some heed of what you say. Educate yourself about the issues and the research instead of just buying into such a propaganda film look, line and sinker.

Here is my wonderful response. Did I handle it well, because I sure did want to flip out.

*I understand that there are teachers who are great, who every day go into school with a passion for the students they teach. I want to be that teacher. Though, I do also understand there are teachers who don't really care. Our nation has be...en 'failing' in many areas and we need to help. It is heartbreaking to me that students are stuck in schools where they are not receiving the education they deserve. It is also horrible to see parents trying so hard who get stuck in a 'lottery' type drawing.

I so want to be a future educator in the public system so I can help make a difference and when I have children I want to feel confident sending them into it knowing they will receive a proper education that will send them into their future @ full speed. Trust me. I am not bashing anyone or anything. I respect everyone who goes into education. Through my many college classes where I have been educated about these issues we have always discussed the same things. This film was something to aid those discussions and to open the eyes for those who do not have the opportunity to be in the system.


  1. Um yeah, lady wtf. I wanted to butt in but then I didn't. I support you quietly. And I internet punched her in the face.

  2. I don't think disinterested teachers are the problem, though there are certainly some out there, but fundamentally it is a money issue.

    At the college level, students suffer to support a greedy system. And the high school level, students suffer from a lack of quality teachers because they are seriously underfunded.

    It goes further and beyond. But as the son of a teacher, your comment about the system failing is right on.
