Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Current Problem.

Food - is any substance or materials eaten or drunk to provide nutritional support for the body or for pleasure.

This may be my current dilemma. I have never woken up at 6 o'clock in the morning and been so hungry in my entire life as I am now. I wake up in the morning and I am literally instantly craving food. Any food that I can shove down my throat. I would probably eat flower petals need be. Kidding. Though, I think this is a good sign, in the morning I crave granola bars, coffee, tea, yogurt, fruit, and then the not so healthy things like wheat thins, brownies, etc. I pack my lunch EVERY DAY for school. I do not eat school lunches. They probably have so many preservatives in them, and they are, well, NOT ORGANIC. I love organic. Let me tell you. So, this causes another problem how in the world do I find enough food to pack number one in like 5 minutes. Number 2...what do I do if my lunchbox is full? Then...the question is...when I work at OG at night...what do I eat before work. Do I starve and faint like that one time in the middle of the bar? Or, do I take the extra time and space and pack myself a snack. Who knew that food could be so much trouble. Now. I go change at Log's house, but if I keep food at his house his roommates will eat it. So, fail fail situation. I am going to have to think of something creative to get  me through these last 7 weeks of student teaching. 

Secondly, let me tell you how productive I was tonight. I got home, I ate dinner (breakfast) with my family while watching my Yankees win, I proceeded to drink a delish vanilla rice milk latte while I wrote journals and complete my midterm evaluation on myself. I now need to work on my Teacher Work Sample or perhaps plan for the 13 Colonies, but WHO cares about the 13 Colonies right now. OVER-RATED. Even though my lesson plans and unit is due well in like 15 days basically. Oh well. I work best under pressure. 

Well, I must go work on this wonderful chart for my TWS...I also need to catch up on last week of Grey's and Private...who knows when I will do that! Leaving this weekend. <3

Hello life. I am an adult now.


1 comment:

  1. uh, pack yourself a snack and don't pass out in the bar. Take a banana those fill me right up. Or some crackers or something. Something you can keep in your car that you can munch on while you're driving and that won't go bad. Wheat thins makes these delish baked crackers. I like the veggie ones. And I think they're pretty healthy.
