This is mysterious man. Recent Picture. Eating dinner at CJ's. |
This is me. Thinking I am smiling for my roomie, when really she and Log were scheming for him to come see me this weekend, can you guess I was ready to party when he arrived? <3 |
February 6th, 2010. One amazing night.
This is how it all happened. My roommate, Julia and I were sitting in bed. We were watching Grey’s and being extremely lazy…we had long weeks…and this was our time to relax and bond. At about 6 our other roommate Chloe rolls in and tells us that there are lots of people up at Big Sky and that we should shower up and we should go party the night/morning away. Julia and I were really not digging this idea. We laid in bed and procrastinated. Finally, for some odd reason…we dragged our butts out of my most comfortable bed, showered, and decided we might head up. Chloe tells us she will drive…so we knew she really wanted to go. Here comes an intense night of partying. We start our hour long trek probably around 8 or so…first we had to stop at the gas station. For what you ask? Not gas…booze. Red beer…tall boys. Big ones…and a nice big cold pack of Bud Light. Here we come Big Sky. Along the way…we rocked to some amazing music. I remember ‘The Script – The Man Who Can’t Be Moved’ and many other great songs. I counted crosses up one of the most dangerous roads in all of MT. I counted over 54. Scariest time ever. Now, for some odd reason…my roommates are incapable of talking on the phone. I have no idea who we are meeting…so…I am extremely down to chatting with whomever to get directions to where we were going. I didn’t want to sit in the car all night long. Finally, after 2454525.3 million phone calls. 34345.3 U-Turns, and some dare devil moves and miles we rolled into one of the MOST expensive ski resorts in MT. Holy beautiful, I will tell you about that when you hear about my morning. <3
So, there we are. In front of an incredibly beautiful condo. Ready to walk inside and meet whoever it is we are to meet. Now, Chloe knows many of these people, Julia…knew a few, and I, well I had been introduced to maybe 2 before. I was lost. I was ready to party to survive this night. (Oh…Kels and Amber came up to meet us.) We immediately approached the table and began to play king’s cup. All us girls on one side, and some of the boys on the other.
This is where it happened. There was a boy. 6’1”ish...in a red/yellow hat. Delish as ever standing there. He started playing along with me trying to get my roommate to go over and stand by this boy she loved. I thought they were best friends, false, turns out…we have similar…personalities and were down to hook some of our friends up.
Now, let me tell you a little about this mysterious man. He doesn’t talk. He doesn’t approach, but he is probably the best ‘eye tag’ player in the ENTIRE world. Our game of ‘eye tag’ continued for a good hour or so…when finally they decided…we should go to the bar. Now. At this point…Julia and I were thinking lammmmest night ever, so we jumped right on the bar scene. We were off. We sprinted to the car followed by the mysterious boy…while the rest of the party walked to said destination.
This is where it gets confusing. We ordered drinks…for cheapycheap because the bartender loved us. Even though drinks in Big Sky are legitly 426436.3 dollars each. Vodka lems. Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be. We sat down at a table and my crazy roommate, Chloe and I decided it would be a brilliant decision to put LOTS of sugar in our 7/8 full vodka 1/8 lems. What a drink. You can’t waste alcohol. Well my friends deserted me and there I sat at this table…with this guy. We finally ‘introduced’ ourselves to each other. His name is Logan. We started talking about school and where we are from and our birthdays. We shared the same birthday, but he is a year older. <3 How cute! Anyway. The night went on and we ran around like drunks. Which was probably true…but I was more lovestruck. Logan asked for my number and I looked at his phone and said…’I don’t understand these.’ I am retarded. Woops. Also, at this said time Logan and Josh had this lady going that they were famous people’s children/nephews and that they had knocked up strippers at the local bar in Bozeman. Oh I went right along with that wonderful story, as well as my wonderful roomies. You can always count us. SHE is a healthy 7 months pregnant. It’s ok. J
Ok. So…after almost fighting this stupid girl with Chloe, comforting Julia, and closing down the bar…we were on our way back to the condo. Still with drinks in our hands. Logan took my cold little hand (it was snowing) and grasped it with his. So…freaking precious. What an amazing moment. We trekked back to the condo and decided to steal everyone’s food. We made fake eggs and a pizza. Logan and I texted. I told him to stop taking downsy pictures of me and that will forever be my fav text to him. He let me and my girlfriends sleep on the couch. FOUR of us. In this FREEZING ass cold condo with no blankets. He slept on the floor. At like 5 in the morning we hear him yelling jackpot…he found blankets…the girls and I peaced out early because we were nervous that they would kill us for eating the food or just crashing there. We walked back to the car on the most beautiful freezing morning you could ever imagine. I was in heels. Dying of coldness, and hungover as ever. Weirdly enough…I felt as happy as could be.
Now…it was SuperBowl Sunday. I wasn’t going to text Logan…because I thought he was drunk and we just talked for fun. He didn’t text me ALL day. I was so incredibly pissed. At about 4 o’clock he FINALLY texted me. I was the happiest girl alive and ready to go party for the SuperBowl. At this point I didn’t care about football, or beer, or food. I wanted to get to know him.
This is how the first 4/5 months of our relationship had to be. Barely saw him in person, and lots and lots of texting/phone conversations. I wouldn’t go back in time and change this. I believe this is why we are where we are today. It was a way to get to know each other without the seeing each other in person all the time. Plus it was a treat when we got to see each other. I was already coming back to Student Teach, so it fell into place…like a puzzle.