Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I do not even know where to start. First off, I have been completely and totally MIA for approx like 325235 weeks. Except not. What have I been up to?

Well I turned 23, and had the BEST birthday ever. My boyfriend, Logan, and I celebrate the same day. Isn't that pretty cool. I know...meant to be!  He bought me the sweetest ever bike and I absolutely ADORE it! We have been biking a few times and I am really looking forward to the summer so we can get out and ride. ♥

What else what else? We are cooking a lot and I have been slacking on pictures and everything so...excuse me!

I really had too much happen to blog about...so I will have to just up and start from this day forward because I have been slacking oh so very much.

Enough said! ♥ Enjoy the beautiful evening.