This is the story about a girl and a boy who decided to take their first big vacation. It all started out with a drive out to Spokane, WA. When we first arrived we went straight to his sister-in-law's parent's house. It was his nephew's first birthday! It was a pretty cute party and I got to meet oh so many more people than I already have! Logan and I played with children, ate a delicious meal, and then made our way to our downtown hotel in Spokane. The following day we woke up and started to get ready for Hoopfest. Logan played with his brother, brother-in-law, and his bro-in-law's friend. Here are some picture from Hoopfest. If you haven't heard about this you are missing out! I am absolutely making this a yearly happening. No way would I ever miss this. Obviously with Logan. Check out my sexy boyfriend. He is number 4. Mmm...mmm...mmm...

Oh. Also, we went and checked out the college where my brother will go to school come September! It was a fabulous campus. Loooooove. We did a little planking for my mom. She is obsessed.
Anyway, after Hoopfest...we sort of backtracked to Idaho for a day. We spent the day with his nephews and niece and played in the intense waterpark at our hotel. It was so much fun, and the kids absolutely loved it...after they warmed up to the water.
We are on approx day 4 or so here. Now we start our drive to Portland we had like 9 hours to drive and it was oh so much fun! When we got to Portland we stayed in this hotel in the middle of downtown which was amazing...we had a yummy Mexican dinner and walked down to the river and then found some bars where we could have some drinks. Overall, I kinda love Spokane...we even took our bikes out for a mini-spin the following morning to go eat at VooDoo Donuts...which was a fail because it was closed. BLAST.
After this we continued on our drive to the Oregon Coast. We went to Blue Heron and did some wine tasting...we went to Tilamook Cheese and had some fun at the factory. That night we camped...we rode our bikes on the beach...we made hot dogs in our fire...s'mores...drank beer...and had fun as a couple. ♥

I am starting to get our vacation I have probably missed some of the awesome stuff we did together, but that is alright...after this we went to an Aviation Museum...for Log...we...saw some Seals...and this is wear the trip kind of went SOUR. SOUR I SAY FOR GOOD REASON. We went to the sand dunes. Amazing, we rented 4wheelers, went out and saw the beach...came back the the big hills to have some fun, while we were messing around...Logan warned me...'Ok, Er, Up this hill...just go straight up DO NOT TURN.' I got so scared going up the hill, I thought I was going to what did I do...I veered to the right because I thought it was a flat surface. Want to know was like an 8 foot drop off that I went airborne over. My 4wheeler rolled landed on me...and I broke my ankle. I was in absolute shock when this happened. I was just sitting there...going white...dizzy and Logan was trying to make sense of what I did! Oh we are in the middle of the sand dunes and have to get back so we aren't charged an ungodly amount of chachingching. So...yes...I am a badass. I got back on that 4wheeler and I rode it to the people. We had to make up a little story. It all worked out and THEN we had to find a hospital/walk-in-clinic. We ended up finding this place in Coos Bay and I feel in love with everyone there. They were all so very kind to Logan and I and thought it was great that we were visiting from MT. They helped me out and let me come back the next day so they could hard cast me. They gave us food recommendations, so Logan took me out for a fabulous Italian dinner. I may just go back to Coos Bay someday, but maybe skip the 4wheeling. :)

Obviously my computer WILL not put these pictures in order the way I want them to go, but whatever. You get the idea. Ok. Last section. Promise. Then it was Aly and Chris's wedding time! It was beautiful, I had so much fun...and having Logan there made it perfect.
Thank you so much for an amazing vacation baby boo. Your expert driving on the way back was much appreciated. Your care-taking of me while broken was amazing...and the trip in general was incredibly fun. I love you sugarpie! ♥